Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ashamed of WLS?!

Recently I've been thinking of WLS peeps I have been in communication with (which doesn't really happen now that I don't have a Facebook)... And it got me wondering why some people don't tell people they've had weight loss surgery. I don't necessarily know that it is because they were ashamed they needed WLS or if it's just that they don't want to be bombarded with questions, but it is something that fascinates me.

I am the complete opposite. I am very open about my WLS, and will talk to anyone who has questions. No question is too personal when it comes to my weight loss journey. I am in no way ashamed of my WLS. I am more ashamed that I had let myself get up to nearly 300 lbs before doing something about it.

Just thought I'd share that little tidbit of what was on my mind...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So today, February 15, 2012, one day before my six-month surgiversary, I hit Onederland. My weight this morning was 199.2 lbs. I don't remember the last time I weighed less than 200 lbs. This is the most exciting thing to happen to me on this journey, as far as a scale victory goes. There have been many non-scale victories, and I experience new ones almost daily. But reaching a certain number on the scale almost reaffirms this whole journey. I certainly don't rely on the scale to make me feel good (I mean, heck, I wanted to be in Onederland by the new year), but seeing that number on the scale this morning brought on a fabulous feeling.

My next mini-goal is to lose 12 more lbs and be officially 100 lbs lost. After that, it's smooth sailing down to goal weight.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My hair!!!

Just thought I'd update for everyone. I am slowly losing my hair. And by losing, I mean it is gradually thinning out. I can notice that my ponytails aren't this huge bushy thing anymore. As much as I like my hair thinner, I hope it stops soon. I know that my biggest problem right now is that I am not getting enough protein daily. I am going to have to really crack down and start doing a shake for breakfast or something.

It's my goal to update this more often, since my Facebook is deactivated now, so I look forward to any e-mails I may get!

Monday, January 23, 2012

How Clothes Fit Me

Now that I am 80+ lbs lighter, I've had to cycle through some of my old clothes and donate them. I have also spent some time in thrift stores and places like Ross finding jeans in my current size for a cheap price, since I don't fit in them long enough to warrant spending more than a few dollars for them.

One of my biggest things I do now is layer. I ALWAYS wear a cami tank top underneath my shirt. Always, always, always. I did this before surgery, but not all the time. Now it is a must. I feel like it just holds everything together. I am starting to notice the excess skin that was bound to come. I'm not too grossed out by it yet, except for on my thighs. My excess skin there is repulsive. Luckily, no one ever sees it (except my roommates, bless their hearts!).

Also, since it's winter, I can get away with a nice sweater or cover-up as well. I am not usually too self-conscious of my arm flab (which my siblings enjoy messing with), but I have my "fat days" where I just feel bigger than I am. My mind obviously has to catch up to my new (and ever-changing) body. So on those days, I layer. This still allows for my curves to be shown off (which I love best about my body right now).

My biggest challenge right now is getting out of the 200s. I have been struggling with this for awhile, but now it's time to get my butt into gear and do it! Until then, feel free to message me on Facebook or e-mail me!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Holy cow! I did not post at all in December....I've been slacking lately. Not slacking on my weight loss efforts, but slacking in keeping everything updated. I truly have been living life. So, let's get to some updating (since I have a lot going on). As far as my weight goes, I am hanging around between 207 and 210 pounds. I had originally made a goal to be at Onederland by Jan 1, 2012. That obviously didn't happen. I have been stuck in a stall, and losing weight MUCH slower than in the beginning. This was of course expected, but it seems to have happened really early.

I am going to the support group that my surgeon's hospital hosts on Wednesday. This is my first session as a post-op, so I'm pretty excited. And then on Thursday morning, I see my surgeon for a follow-up appointment. I am down about 80 lbs since surgery, which is halfway to goal weight. It is also a quarter of the person I used to be. My goal is to be somewhere between 125 and 135 when it's all said and done.

As far as clothes go...I am feeling much more confident in myself. My "upper" stomach fat pouch is decreasing each and everyday. It takes a lot to get a muffin top nowadays. I have killer curves, and I've noticed that I am getting more attention from the male species lately. My biggest disappointment in my body right now is my deflating breasts. I loved my cleavage and showing off what my momma gave me (but not really, since she's not gifted in that aspect).

I am in between a size 16 and size 18 in jeans. It all depends on the brand and the cut of the jeans. I am definitely in a size large shirt. I tried on one of my old 2XL t-shirts I was in pre-op and boy was I swimming in it. Even my ring size has gone down. I was a 9 and a half before surgery, and the latest was a size 8. My feet seem to have gone down somewhat, as far as width goes, but I'm still more comfortable in wide shoes.

My batwings (arm flab) are becoming more and more noticeable. My brother and sister like to touch them and play with them because they are all soft. I do have a shake weight (go ahead and laugh) so I want to start using that, but in the end, I'm going to end up with extra skin everywhere. Hopefully my sister really does become a plastic surgeon like she wants to, and she can help me out in the future.

Let's talk non-scale victories: I have collarbones! Of course I had collarbones before, but now they are prominent and noticeable and I love touching them. My hip bones are also becoming more noticeable (at least to me when I'm laying down). I can now wear heels all day long without my feet killing me. I can cross my legs comfortably.

Not so happy moment...My hair is falling out...Well, it's thinning out, and definitely sheds way more. I am going to look into using Biotene shampoo and seeing if that helps. It's really only noticeable to me since my hair is so thick, but I'm not used to have tons of hair shed in the shower.

As far as food goes...I still can't eat bread. It sits like a log. I'm really okay with not being able to eat bread, except when it comes to having a sub platter at a party, and feeling like a bird cause I'm just picking at it for the meat. I really do try to get in enough protein each day, but I find myself struggling with it. I want to experiment with different protein shakes and find one I truly like so I can eat that for breakfast and jumpstart my protein each day.

I started the Couch to 5K running program today. I have been slacking off on my working out since I've been home on winter break, so it really kicked my butt and I didn't finish the full time. But I'm not giving up, and I will be back on the treadmill tomorrow night. I also gave up alcohol until I get to goal weight. I was drinking empty calories and it was definitely impeding on my weight loss, so I can't wait to see how things go now that I've cut that out.

Other than that, everything has been going really well. I look forward to getting up, dressing cute, and being me everyday, which is the best feeling in the world. I am so happy with where I am at in my life right now, and I can't wait to see what life at goal will be like. Until then, I am going to enjoy this journey!