Friday, September 2, 2011

Week Two Post-Op Update

So first off, I apologize for this not being done on Tuesday. School started Monday, and I was super busy. But here goes nothing... As far as the numbers go- my official weekly weigh in on Tuesday morning was 261.8 lbs which makes for a total loss of 25.2 lbs.
I am pretty much a daily weigher. I know that a lot of WLS vets say this is a bad habit to be in, but I just like seeing the fluctuation. The lowest I have seen this week has been 258 lbs which feels absolutely amazing. I am really starting to feel it in my jeans.
As far as food goes, I’ve been cleared to pureed and some softs. As long as I chew, chew, chew. I had my first “stuck” episode this week. I tried a little piece of pulled pork from my school cafeteria and it was just too dry, and next thing I knew it was stuck. It literally feels like rocks on my chest. It is not a very nice feeling. I ended up going to the bathroom and basically throwing it up, but it didn’t have the stomach acidness of real throw up. I have also noticed that I can no longer take big gulps of water anymore. I can just sip. Which is fine, except that it takes me longer to get the fluids in, and then my water goes warm,  and I prefer my water cold.
My incisions are healing well. I feel really good. My energy is up, and I am really starting to feel my confidence rising. I cut my hair, so I’m truly becoming a new Alyssa. I notice I am happier than I have been in a while, and I really feel that this was the best decision I could have ever made. I have yet to have “buyer’s remorse” and I’m happy about that.
I PROMISE my next blog and pictures will be up on Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks. Time is flying!

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