Monday, September 26, 2011

Random Post

So, I haven’t written a post in a really long time. And there is no excuse for it other than life got in the way. I update on Facebook every day, so for those of you who follow me both here and there, you are getting the best of both worlds. As of this morning (not an official weigh-in, that comes tomorrow), I am down 39 pounds since surgery. My six week post op will be tomorrow, so that makes for a weekly average weight loss of 6.5 lbs. Amazing!
I have also had a TON of non-scale victories lately. I actually HAD to dig into my skinny bucket for jeans that fit. My mom and dad told me to throw out my old pants, but I want to keep my biggest pair (that were starting to get tight on me towards the end), but I am going to keep them, and one day I will fit my whole body into one leg of those pants.
I bought a shirt online in a size large, thinking I’d have to wait a few weeks before I’d be able to wear it, but nope, I fit into it already. Crazy! I know I haven’t posted my one month measurements on here, but I will soon. But I did lose 6 inches in my hips. That’s freaking nuts!
I have just had so much more energy, and I feel amazing. My confidence levels get higher each day, and there are some days where I just can’t stop smiling.
One amazing thing about this surgery is how not hungry I am. And I have learned to listen to my body. I can no longer be an emotional eater like I was in the past because my body will reject the food, and then I don’t feel good, so it truly is a happy benefit.
I’ve been really open about the whole process, and I am so up for any questions anyone has, or if you have a specific topic you want me to post about, and my experiences. Just let me know! I’m an open book ready to educate the minds of EVERYONE!

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