Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There's a waist peeking through! Week Three Update!

Hey there! Not much to report on this week...Here’s the numbers for you. I started this journey at 287 lbs the night before surgery. My officially weekly weigh in this morning was 258.0 lbs. That’s a loss of 3.8 lbs for the week, and a total loss of exactly 29 lbs.

So, while I was putting together my side by side photos (do you guys even like those? Should I just stick to posting what I look like that week, or keep it side by side?) I noticed that I am starting to get a waist. How freaking exciting! Also, my jeans are starting to get uncomfortably loose. My favorite pair are almost unwearable just because of how terrible I look in them cause they are all baggy in my thighs and butt. I can’t wait to see what my measurements come out to be for month one. I’ll be doing those on the 16th

I’ve learned that rice just really doesn’t sit well with me yet...other than that, I’ve been working on getting my fluids in, which is harder than expected, because even just water makes me full, and then I don’t eat, and I know I need calories...it’s like a balancing act.

I have been feeling really great about myself though this last week, and I’ve been just really focusing on being healthy. My friends make comments at the lunch table about how little I eat, but to me, it’s hard enough getting those calories in. I just AM NOT hungry. I’m sure this will change eventually, since I’m only three weeks out, but for now, it is what it is. I’m beginning to pick up the pace with my exercising since my incisions are healed. I even took a bath on Sunday to relax, and it felt amazing. I can’t wait until I fit more comfortably in the bath tub, but until then, I’ll be enjoying life.

I’m off to do some Zumba on the wii, and study for my first quiz!

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