Monday, September 26, 2011

Random Post

So, I haven’t written a post in a really long time. And there is no excuse for it other than life got in the way. I update on Facebook every day, so for those of you who follow me both here and there, you are getting the best of both worlds. As of this morning (not an official weigh-in, that comes tomorrow), I am down 39 pounds since surgery. My six week post op will be tomorrow, so that makes for a weekly average weight loss of 6.5 lbs. Amazing!
I have also had a TON of non-scale victories lately. I actually HAD to dig into my skinny bucket for jeans that fit. My mom and dad told me to throw out my old pants, but I want to keep my biggest pair (that were starting to get tight on me towards the end), but I am going to keep them, and one day I will fit my whole body into one leg of those pants.
I bought a shirt online in a size large, thinking I’d have to wait a few weeks before I’d be able to wear it, but nope, I fit into it already. Crazy! I know I haven’t posted my one month measurements on here, but I will soon. But I did lose 6 inches in my hips. That’s freaking nuts!
I have just had so much more energy, and I feel amazing. My confidence levels get higher each day, and there are some days where I just can’t stop smiling.
One amazing thing about this surgery is how not hungry I am. And I have learned to listen to my body. I can no longer be an emotional eater like I was in the past because my body will reject the food, and then I don’t feel good, so it truly is a happy benefit.
I’ve been really open about the whole process, and I am so up for any questions anyone has, or if you have a specific topic you want me to post about, and my experiences. Just let me know! I’m an open book ready to educate the minds of EVERYONE!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There's a waist peeking through! Week Three Update!

Hey there! Not much to report on this week...Here’s the numbers for you. I started this journey at 287 lbs the night before surgery. My officially weekly weigh in this morning was 258.0 lbs. That’s a loss of 3.8 lbs for the week, and a total loss of exactly 29 lbs.

So, while I was putting together my side by side photos (do you guys even like those? Should I just stick to posting what I look like that week, or keep it side by side?) I noticed that I am starting to get a waist. How freaking exciting! Also, my jeans are starting to get uncomfortably loose. My favorite pair are almost unwearable just because of how terrible I look in them cause they are all baggy in my thighs and butt. I can’t wait to see what my measurements come out to be for month one. I’ll be doing those on the 16th

I’ve learned that rice just really doesn’t sit well with me yet...other than that, I’ve been working on getting my fluids in, which is harder than expected, because even just water makes me full, and then I don’t eat, and I know I need’s like a balancing act.

I have been feeling really great about myself though this last week, and I’ve been just really focusing on being healthy. My friends make comments at the lunch table about how little I eat, but to me, it’s hard enough getting those calories in. I just AM NOT hungry. I’m sure this will change eventually, since I’m only three weeks out, but for now, it is what it is. I’m beginning to pick up the pace with my exercising since my incisions are healed. I even took a bath on Sunday to relax, and it felt amazing. I can’t wait until I fit more comfortably in the bath tub, but until then, I’ll be enjoying life.

I’m off to do some Zumba on the wii, and study for my first quiz!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Week Two Post-Op Update

So first off, I apologize for this not being done on Tuesday. School started Monday, and I was super busy. But here goes nothing... As far as the numbers go- my official weekly weigh in on Tuesday morning was 261.8 lbs which makes for a total loss of 25.2 lbs.
I am pretty much a daily weigher. I know that a lot of WLS vets say this is a bad habit to be in, but I just like seeing the fluctuation. The lowest I have seen this week has been 258 lbs which feels absolutely amazing. I am really starting to feel it in my jeans.
As far as food goes, I’ve been cleared to pureed and some softs. As long as I chew, chew, chew. I had my first “stuck” episode this week. I tried a little piece of pulled pork from my school cafeteria and it was just too dry, and next thing I knew it was stuck. It literally feels like rocks on my chest. It is not a very nice feeling. I ended up going to the bathroom and basically throwing it up, but it didn’t have the stomach acidness of real throw up. I have also noticed that I can no longer take big gulps of water anymore. I can just sip. Which is fine, except that it takes me longer to get the fluids in, and then my water goes warm,  and I prefer my water cold.
My incisions are healing well. I feel really good. My energy is up, and I am really starting to feel my confidence rising. I cut my hair, so I’m truly becoming a new Alyssa. I notice I am happier than I have been in a while, and I really feel that this was the best decision I could have ever made. I have yet to have “buyer’s remorse” and I’m happy about that.
I PROMISE my next blog and pictures will be up on Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks. Time is flying!