Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stuck in the 220s

So, I've been stuck in the 220s for at least two weeks now...

It's time to evaluate what I've been doing right and what I've been doing wrong...So here's my confessions...

I have not been focused on me lately. My weight loss has NOT been a priority, and that needs to change. I have also been snacking a lot more lately, it seems. Therefore, I need to start really choosing smart snacks (protein first!). I have also been slacking on the exercise bit. Since my gallbladder removal, I haven't had the energy like I had and I just want to nap all the time. I need to get my butt to the gym. It is going to happen next week over Thanksgiving Break because my brother won't let me NOT go to the gym, but I need to become more self-motivated...

I am also looking for an accountability buddy. Someone to randomly text me and be like "have you gotten your ass to the gym today?" If you're interested, hit me up!

For now, I'm going to continue trying to get out of these 220s!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My List of Things I'm Thankful for Since WLS

So, since Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, I want to do a list of things I am thankful for since I've had my weight loss surgery. Here goes nothing:
1.) I can walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. 60+ pounds ago, this never happened. I would have to take a "breather" at the top of the stairs before reaching my destination so I didn't sound like I just ran a marathon.
2.) I walked a 5K for Breast Cancer. I never would have signed up to do that before my gastric bypass. Granted, I walked it, but it is a step in the right direction. I'm hoping to do the Couch to 5K program in the next few months or so and then by next year's 5K, I can run it.
3.) I have so much confidence. I have been told that my confidence just radiates out. I am so happy with my decision to have WLS.
4.) I've learned that I come first. Previously, everything else came first, and before my health. That phase in my life is over. I focus on me. I focus on doing well in school and being successful with my surgery.
5.) I am thankful everyday for the support I have in my life. Whether it be my parents (who are constantly boasting about me to everyone) or it be my amazing roommates who support me 100% in everything I do. I am thankful for the random people who compliment me because they have seen my blog updates, or my facebook pictures.
6.) I am thankful for the ability to help others. A few weeks ago I was approached by a really good family friend who said I was an inspiration to her soon-to-be stepdaughter who is overweight right now and dealing with bullying at school. I just want to shout out to her (I'm sure she knows who she is!) and say that I know you can succeed in being the best you that you can possibly be. And as far as the bullying goes, I've been there. People are downright mean. What is important to remember is that you are more important than anything they say, and remember that you can't let them bring you down.
7.) I am thankful for my pouch. It tells me when I'm full, and if I don't listen, it punishes me. It helps me realize what I can/should eat versus what I shouldn't.

What it really comes down to, is that I am the happiest I have ever been. I am almost to Onederland (just about 25 pounds to go!), and I only have 100 lbs to lose til goal weight. I can't imagine doing things any differently right now. This was the best decision I could have ever made for myself.

***Just as a side note, I bawled my way through making this list. That's how emotionally attached and proud I am of myself and of the support I have gotten. You guys (reading this, right now) are the best thing in my life. Thank you all for supporting me and for being with me on this journey!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Obese Class 2

As of my official weigh-in this morning, I am down to being Obese Class 2. When I started this journey, my BMI was over 40 putting me at Morbidly Obese Class 3. Now, my BMI is under 40, and I'm feeling great. My life is full of non-scale victories, and I finally set a short-term weight loss goal for myself. I want to be in Onederland for New Year's! For those of you who don't know, Onederland is where your weight begins with a typically, it is said Onederland is reached once you weigh 199 or less.

I will update with all of my non-scale victories soon, along with doing a "What I'm Thankful For since WLS" blog in the spirit of Thanksgiving.